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設計 > 設計作品 > 倪鑌作品:石家莊國際博覽中心


來源:中裝新網作者:倪鑌時間:2019-07-05 13:27:29 評論 分享


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Interior Designing in Shijiazhuang International Expo Center

Land area: 56.9 hectares
Total floorage: 35.6 square meters
Interior area of fancy decoration: 100,000 square meters
Designing style: new Chinese-style aesthetics and postmodernism

It is a key project in Hebei Province and Shijiazhuang city. It is located in Zhengding New Area in the northeastern corner of Central Business District of Shijiazhuang with several expressway and Beijing-Shijiazhuang railway surrounding it. Shijiazhuang Airport is 15 kilometers north of the project. It is next to the municipal government central park with such buildings as the municipal government, the library and the technology hall. Hutuo River and the riverside greenbelt lies to its south to satisfy actual needs of exhibition activities in the capital city.


南登錄大廳是進入會展中心的主入口之一,在設計上采取在原建筑結構的基礎上作簡單裝飾,考慮到人流量比較大,地面采用灰色花崗巖石材,頂面材料采用木格柵,包括與中央大廳連接的過廳也是應用木格柵,用銅桿串接,突出了整個裝修風格以木、銅 、石三種材料作為基礎的主題
Southern Registration Hall:
The southern registration hall is one of the main entrances to the exhibition center. In designing, it conducts simple decoration on ground of the original architectural structure. Grey granite material is adopted out of consideration of high people’s flow. Wooden grating is adopted for the roof. Wooden grating is also applied to the hallway connected to the central hall. It is linked by braze and punctuates that the decoration style puts wood, bronze and stone as fundamental themes.

北登錄大廳與南廳對應,在設計手法以及材料運用上基本與南大廳保持一致,簡潔的設計手法使得南北登錄大廳整體 、 大氣 、充滿現代感,有一種強烈的視覺沖擊力。
Northern Registration Hall
It echoes the southern hall. In designing method and material use, it aligns with the southern hall. The southern and northern registration halls demonstrate a magnificent and modern feeling with its succinct designing method. It shows intense visual impact.



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