連自成作品:綠地海珀?旭輝 售樓處
來源: 作者:連自成 時間:2014-12-01 14:59:26 [報告錯誤] [收藏] [打印]
項目名稱:綠地 海珀·旭輝 售樓處
Project name: Sales Center of H P SUN Greenland Group
Construction site: West Longhua Road, Shanghai.
Main materials: Branch Wood, Golden Wood Grain Marble, Crema Marfil, Ceramic Glass and White Spray-Paint.
Area: 1030㎡
Date of completion: October, 2011
主設計師:連自成 (臺灣)
Chief designer: LIEN,TZU-CHENG (Taiwan)
Designers: Yu Miao, Zhao Chunlei
The concept of the sales center lies in packaging the whole real estate as a boutique brand. There are four central traits endowed on the brand H P SUN, namely, UNIQUE, BOUTIQUE, COMFORT and CONTEMPORARY, which constitute the intrinsic essence of the project, that is, creating a model of a new generation mansion. This project includes a business block and a unique double-rotary contemporary building. The reception is designed in the mode of a ring-like shape, which was inspired by the jewelry ring. The reception cabinets are arranged in the corners to neutralize the sense of spatial irregularity; and with the combination of the grey mirrors adopted on the ceiling surface and the illumination design, the overall space is visually extended。If creates a unique, yet dramatic spatial tension. In addition, the lighting wall space facing the streetscape employs solid strip-shaped modeling to introduce light into indoor space, in order to create a three-dimensional sense; graphics on the floor are employed for the color conformity in the elevation and to create a ceaseless visual sense by stretching to the reception area and architecture model area; the special radioactive crystal lighting in the architecture model area is employed to emphasize the uniqueness of the real estate; atmospheric LED light walls and daylight together allow the negotiation area and VIP area under daylight illumination, so that clients will enjoy the view of the shifting light and shade.
In visual design of the project, the LOGO of the real estate is elaborately arranged and closely integrated with the spatial design. For example, the image of a boutique brand is naturally designed on the handles of doors, on the ceiling mirror and on the embossment treatment of wall surface, so that a deep impression might be left on the mind of clients. Besides, four VIP rooms of distinguished styles (Modern Retro Style, Gorgeous Boutique Style, Oriental Style and Popular Fashion Style) are elaborately designed, allowing clients to choose the room of their favorite style for business negotiation.
《中華建筑報》副總編輯 中國建筑裝飾百強評價辦公室主任
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- 香港COCO辦公室
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- 一個辦公空間的創意生活社區化——金尚大廈長成記
- 最具顛覆性的Work8眾創空間設計
- 項天斌:屌絲設計師的逆襲之路
- 羅勁:建筑應該像從土壤里長出來的一樣
- 曾秋榮:設計如人,人如設計
- 李益中,我的“策略觀”
- 連自成:立足中國,放眼世界
- 王黑龍,不尖叫
- 喬漢華:用心耕耘設計這口田
- “玩家”何樾 :旅行、跨界
- 胡子然:專注餐飲,只做品牌的領航者