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漢諾森設計:雪白天地 長寧鉆石展館

來源:中裝新網 時間:2014-01-21 16:25:54 [報告錯誤]  [收藏]  [打印]





  Cheungning as a well-known international diamond processing business group, has transformed from a traditional family firm to be international listed company.

  It hopes to gain more attention by presenting an all new brand image at the exhibition.

  China is now at a fast developing stage of expansion, it brings about the greater human desires, leading to more consumption. However, it causes a large amount of energy consumption, pollution and material waste etc.

  When designing the booth, we proposed to have “environmental protection” as a priority and reduce unnecessary waste and pollution.

  The most important quality is to stand out among the other booths at the exhibition.

  We got our design inspiration from “seed”, which symbolizes the source and begging of life.

  The clear booth in the shape of a cocoon is the result from many tests.

  We also used the pipes in order to sound proof for considering the crowd during the exhibition.

  Using the basic material, stripes of cotton to set up the booth skin.

  As for the interior of the booth, we adopted steel frames for bring a mass volume with “flexible” space.

  This kind of pipes can be produced separately and assembled on-site. They can be removed and taken away after the exhibition. What’s more, it can be re-used and re-assembled for next exhibition.

  With this special design, it reduced wastage and cut down the pollution, it also increased the product usability.

  Due to the increasingly environmental issue, it is important to incorporate the concept of environmental protection into the exhibition. It is necessary to find a balance by meeting the needs of exhibition such practicability and ornamental etc.

  We have to think deeply about the definition and responsibility of design to find a new balance between them.

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