來源:中裝新網 時間:2013-12-06 10:22:40 [報告錯誤] [收藏] [打印]
建筑面積:25 000平方米
主要材料:灰木紋 科技木 藝術地毯
Design Company: Horizontal Space Design
Location: Shenzhen, Guangdong
Area: 25 000 sqm
Designer: JU Bin
Completion Time: Nov, 2011
Major Material: Gray wood grain, technological wood, artistic carpet
Hotel Management Company: The Ascott Limited.
Hotels, as temporary residences, are especially concerned on gorgeous layout and degree of comfort. People barely care their function of emotion expression. Ascott Maillen Hotel introduces arts into design, intending to artistically interpret life and reflect the diversity of life openly. It’s a presentation of time and space, as well as Hotel lobby, paved with smooth grey wood—grain marbles, have doubled aesthetic feelings of wood and stone materials, which created a visual effect of dislocation. Al-wood grid ceiling of the lobby shows a winding texture which responds to the fold lines of building facades.
Metallic decorations on marble wall are in sharp contrast with sculptures at the end of corridor and stumps, candles placed in array on aspects of shape, style and material. Different from practical furnishings of other hotels, they are inclined to exert power of arts.
Beige marble table surface and fabric design coordinated with light, transparent chiffon curtains make the guest room a good meditation space. Carpets paved here originate from a famous ink painting of Wu Guanzhong. The elegant lines of carpets like ink marks stained on art paper spreading out. People here can enjoy inner peace and apart from disturbing affairs with hearts deeply immersed.
Colors, materials and tension generated in alternation and contrast of shapes are exquisitely utilized in design which demonstrated inner spirit of space and visually created a brand new interpretation manner of Chinese elements. Here, Chinese culture is not some kind of symbol, but a highly integration of spirit, conception, quality and soul.
琚賓:深圳雅詩閣美倫酒店服務公寓 圖1
琚賓:深圳雅詩閣美倫酒店服務公寓 圖2
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