來源:江河設計JHD 時間:2024-03-31 12:37:07 [報告錯誤] [收藏] [打印]
2024年3月25日,由越南設計協會(VDAS DELEGATION)主席HO TAN DUONG 帶領的越南設計行業考察團到訪江河設計JHD,雙方就項目合作、學術交流、設計師培養進行了深入溝通交流,并簽署戰略合作協議。
On March 25, 2024, the Vietnam Design Delegation led by HO TAN DUONG, the President of VDAS DELEGATION, paid a visit to Jangho Design (JHD). Both parties carried out in-depth exchange on project cooperation, academic exchange, designer cultivation, etc. and signed a strategic cooperation agreement.
越南設計協會(VDAS DELEGATION)主席HO TAN DUONG 和越南室內設計協會(VDAS DELEGATION)副主席TRAN NGOC DANH表示:“對江河設計JHD企業的規模實力、高品質的設計項目非常贊賞。越南正處于快速發展階段,對高品質設計的需求日益增多,設計行業發展時間較短,希望與江河設計JHD建立良好的合作關系,在項目合作、學術交流、設計人才培養等方面持續開展深入合作”。
HO TAN DUONG, the President of VDAS DELEGATION and TRAN NGOC DANH, the Vice President of VDAS DELEGATION said, “we do much appreciate JHD’s scale, strength and high-quality design projects. Vietnam is under fast development stage and has posed higher and more requirements for high-quality designs. With a short development history, Vietnam’s design industry hopes to establish favorable cooperation relationship with JHD in terms of project cooperation, academic exchange, design talent cultivation, etc.”
江河設計JHD總裁丁春亞表示:“歡迎越南設計協會(VDAS DELEGATION)主席HO TAN DUONG 一行到訪江河設計JHD。江河設計JHD作為中國優秀大型的設計企業,具有豐富的項目管理經驗和設計技術能力,VDAS 在越南設計行業具有極強的影響力,雙方應持續加強溝通交流,推動優質設計項目合作。江河設計JHD具有二十多年的發展歷程,也是中國裝飾設計行業發展的縮影,我們樂意分享發展的實踐經驗,作為越南設計行業發展的參考借鑒”。
Aaron Ding, JHD’s chairman said, “I’d like to extend my warm welcome to HO TAN DUONG, the President of VDAS DELEGATION for the visit to JHD. As an excellent large design enterprise in China, JHD has rich project management experience and design technical ability. VDAS has significant influence in Vietnam’s design industry. Both parties shall intensify exchange continuously to promote the cooperation on excellent design projects. As a company with over 20 years of history, which has witnessed the development of China’s decoration design industry, JHD is glad to share the development experience for your reference.”
在隨后的會談中,江河設計JHD、越南設計協會(VDAS DELEGATION)、APDC亞太設計中心就設計領域的合作進行了深入探討,并共同簽署了戰略合作框架協議。
Later JHD, VDAS DELEGATION AND APDC made in-depth discussion on their cooperation in design field and signed strategic cooperation framework agreement.
同時江河設計JHD丁春亞總裁受邀擔任越南設計大賽(VMARK VIETNAM DESIGN AWARD)評委。
Aaron Ding from JHD was also invited to serve as the judge of VMARK VIETNAM DESIGN AWARD.
隨后,越南(中國)設計中心〔Vietnam (China) Design Center〕揭牌儀式在江河設計JHD舉行。北京建筑裝飾協會執行副會長兼秘書長樊淑玲、江河設計JHD總裁丁春亞、VDAS President HO TAN DUONG、VDAS Vice President TRAN NGOC DANH、APDC亞太設計中心副秘書長王林燕等參加活動,該設計中心的成立為中越兩國設計師提供一個交流學習的平臺。
Then the unveiling ceremony of Vietnam (China) Design Center was held in JHD. Fan Shuling, the Executive Vice President and Secretary-general of Beijing Construction Decoration Association, Aaron Ding, the President of JHD, VDAS President HO TAN DUONG, VDAS Vice President TRAN NGOC DANH, Wang Linyan, the Vice General Secretary of APDC, etc. attended the ceremony. The establishment of the Center serves as a platform for the exchange and learning of both countries’ designers.
JHD will as always provide optimal design services for customers by following the core values of “focusing on customers and design quality”. At the same time, the Company will also explore the international market actively, help the excellent Chinese designers and works appear in the world stage and improve the international influence of Chinese design.
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