來源:中裝新網 時間:2023-07-21 10:19:50 [報告錯誤] [收藏] [打印]
According to MOSOM, the space's design allows access to the objects. Looking around, the arched doors and the curve staircase collide with the original straight lines of the building, thus developing a rhythmic "polyphony". While enriching the layers and the rhythms, it makes the viewers feel the melodious tune of time.
In this way, following the design guidelines, the space is created to open another door for the experiencer beyond everyday life. Based on the "space as brand, scene as marketing" strategy, this feeling of context that transcends time is a key way to activate the added value of the brand.
蜿蜒的弧線形態背后,從技法上講是一種緩慢的協調、過渡。而從感官的塑造上看,弧線的背后,是變化,是生命力,向外傳遞著靈動的身心態度,而這也正道出品牌想要賦予消費者的體驗內涵 —— 自在享受、悅己健康。
Behind the winding curved form is a slow coordination and transition technically. But in terms of sensory shaping, behind the curve is change and vitality, conveying a dynamic attitude of mind and body outwardly. This is exactly the experience that the brand wishes to provide to its consumers - to have fun and stay healthy.
對于線下商業品牌而言,體驗空間的營造,為其提供著重要的生長養分。正如MOSOM墨森設計一貫在泛美業空間設計中所傳達的 —— 空間即屬于品牌識別度的一部分,它將場景體驗背后的流量、記憶,導入商業的長續經營中。
For offline commercial brands, creating experience spaces is crucial to its brand growth. As MOSOM DESIGN has consistently stated in its pan-beauty space design - as part of the brand identity, the space integrates the traffic and memory behind the scene experience into the long-term operation of the business.
HBbeauty has emerged from the fixed space paradigm and scene concept, transcending deconstructed architectural aesthetics and a physical and mental experience. Instead, it has focused on the spiritual core, which is implied in the commercial transformation of the relationship between people and place, so as to build a deep empathy between consumers and the brand.
Founded in Shenzhen by the famous designer Mr. Zhongchen Jin with a global outlook, MOSOM DESIGN specializes in researching “new aesthetic power”. Engaged in the professional design of beauty clubs,luxury housing and offices, it strives to provide clients with integrated solutions like business consultant in beauty industry, space design, lighting design and soft decoration design.
多年來,基于對泛美業的全方位深入洞察、研究與實踐,MOSOM墨森設計提出“多元趨變,優雅永恒”的核心理念,發揮“空間即品牌,場景即營銷”的前端策略思維,聚焦商業的高頻認知與高效變現,為設計之外的附加值而不斷創造。在設計中,我們橫向考量客戶的投入成本與回報周期,縱深剖析建筑結構、材質美學、業態邏輯、商業坪效、品牌運營等因素,將空間從嚴密的整體拆解為有機的個體,整合上下游資源并有效縮短從概念設計到商業落地之間的節點,促進回報效率與商業產值的最大化,最終呈現出功能、美學與情感價值統一的復合態空間精品 —— 風格多元、氣質優雅。
Over the years, based on the all-round in-depth insight, research and practice of pan-beauty industry, MOSOM DESIGN has put forward the core concept of “diversified change, elegance until eternity”, and given play to the front-end strategy thinking of “space is brand, scene is marketing” with a focus on the high-frequency cognition and efficient realization of business. With these efforts, the value-added beyond design is constantly being created. In the design, we consider the input cost and return cycle of clients horizontally, while analyzing architectural structure, material aesthetics, business logic, commercial economic benefits and brand operation vertically. Efforts have been made to turn a strict whole into organic units, integrate upstream and downstream resources and effectively shorten the nod from conceptual design to commercial landing. This is how we maximize return efficiency and business output value, finally presenting a quality complex space that combine function, aesthetics and emotional value -- with diversified styles and elegant demeanor.
AEVUM SPA 深圳·萬象食家店
AEVUM SPA 深圳·小徑灣店
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