來源:中裝新網 時間:2023-07-21 10:19:50 [報告錯誤] [收藏] [打印]
The space is left to the viewer to explore the beauty through the art of architecture. The interior of the structure that resembles a church is gradually mirrored by dispersed light beams that pass through gaps and fall inside. This will give people a sense of silent ritual as they walk through it.
Following the spatial motion line, the designers have created a wonderful architectural melody at the corridor of the hall with a progressive space structure. As the viewers enter, the deliberately low ceiling distance wraps them in a sense of novelty, order and privacy. The transition from the the store’s outside to the inside is like a scene change in a play, invisibly drawing the customer's attention. Thus, the expertly constructed "story" starts out subtly.
"The interplay of light and shadow with the building and the combination of blocks and structure is the key design logic." The triangular structure and vertical light exude a sense of solemnity outwards. "Once inside, visitors could initially feel curious, then understood and appreciated. This is the emotional sequence hidden behind the design language."
停留于消費者印象中的品牌調性如何精準傳遞?“高雅、純粹與隱含的震懾力是我們想要賦予空間的性格。”從純粹的清水混凝土、木藝材質、隔墻排列的座椅秩序,到占據視覺中心的火燒木裝置,設計對氛圍感的營造,貫穿著對尺度、色彩、畫面的多維考量,每一個獨特的元素,皆是一個打動人心的要點。How to precisely express the brand tone that stays in the consumer's mind? "Elegance, purity and implied shock are the character we wanted to give to the space." From the pure fair-faced concrete, the wooden materials, the orderly seating arranged on the partition walls, to the flamed wood installation that dominates the visual centre, multi aspects like scale, colour and image have been taken into account for atmosphere creation. By doing so, each unique element is a key point that strikes a chord.
"Furthermore, there is an implicit sense of rhythm that runs through the design of the architectural spaces. We have deliberately avoided extra decoration in favour of details that stand up to taste. This will be invisibly conveyed to the consumes’ mind and body, evoking a deep sense of empathy among them."
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