中裝建設設計作品|開放公共空間 —— 同文書店
來源:新疆一分院 中裝建設設計院 時間:2023-07-03 14:04:54 [報告錯誤] [收藏] [打印]
烏魯木齊最美書店 —— 同文書店,意為萬里同文。作為新一代文化綜合體,主題以文化的“共創”為核心,營造創意產地,集結時刻發生的生活創想。它是一個集書籍閱讀、文化藝術交流、生活空間體驗于一體的復合型圖書城。書,即是元素,也是主體,讓讀者在優雅的氛圍中用心閱讀,在字里行間中尋找內涵。
The most beautiful bookstore in Urumqi, Tongwen Book Store, means "the same culture for all the miles". As a new generation of cultural complex, the theme is "co-creation" of culture as the core, to create a creative origin, gathering the life ideas that happen at all times. It is a complex book city that integrates book reading, cultural and artistic exchange, and living space experience. The book is the element and the main body, allowing readers to read in an elegant atmosphere and find the connotation in between the lines.
項目名稱 | 烏魯木齊同文書店
設計時間丨2023 年
設計理念/Design Concept
As an important regional node along the Silk Road, Xinjiang has chosen to combine elements of silk, Tianshan, lakes, Danxia landscapes and regional culture with modern elements to create an immersive reading experience that is enjoyable for every reader in Tongwen Book Store. This was the vision at the beginning of the design.
書籍閱讀 Reading
文藝交流 Life Experience
生活體驗 Literary Exchange
The partition of books for spiritual guidance categorised by where the heart goes, where the body goes; where the heart thinks, where the action is; where the heart is, where the emotions are. Starting with spiritual thought books, moving on to thought-guided humanities books and finally to the area of books for emotions. Complete with a sense of immersion in reading and life experiences.
特色空間/Featured Space
In addition to the ancillary spaces in the Open Reading Bookcity, the Tongwen Book Store is equipped with a unique children's reading area and a café culture experience area.
兒童閱讀區 & 咖啡文化體驗區
Children's Reading Spaces & Coffee Culture Spaces
The children's reading habits and styles are different from those of adults, and the children's reading area, with its bright colours and lively space, is a great way to help them read. The children's reading area is also equipped with a coffee culture experience area, which allows adult family members to read with their children more comfortably.
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